Unlocking Success: How a “Mock” Survey Can Benefit SNFs

What is a “mock” survey?   Having a practice run before the State or Federal Surveyors come into your Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) can be valuable. A mock survey provides nursing home leaders with the opportunity to assess systems, procedures, and processes of care. Mock surveys offer a realistic and honest view of the following areas: Below are five reasons why engaging with a consultant to conduct a mock survey is the best way to…

How do Healthcare Auditors Find Mistakes? Meet Benford’s Law

Likely, you have never heard of Benford’s Law, but we can guarantee that it has impacted your daily life in more ways than you can ever realize. The principles of the law have been baked into auditing practices, accounting systems, and yes, even healthcare platforms. But, what is it? Benford’s Law, also known as the “First-Digit Law,” is a mathematical principle that states that in many naturally occurring datasets, the leading digits of numerical values…

Group vs. Concurrent Therapy Part 2: Are You Documenting Accurately?

In Part 2 of this two-part blog series “Group vs. Concurrent Therapy: Are You Documenting Accurately?” we will discuss actual documentation of examples that may not support group and concurrent therapy as skilled and reasonable. In Part 1, we reviewed the definitions of group and concurrent therapy. Both definitions can be found in the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) Manual, Pages O-23-O-25. To refresh your memory, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) currently defines…