Insights from the OIG Work Plan

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) continues to place focus on “Substance Abuse Disorder” and “Mental Health” with their continuation of work plan items that are all expected to be completed this year or in 2025. These work plan items provide opportunities for attorneys to have discussions with their clients on the steps the clients can take in preparation for the items the OIG is working on. This whitepaper provides additional information on each of…

LW Consulting, Inc.’s LWEnSCheck® Continues to Offer a Solution for Streamlining the Exclusion Process

LW Consulting, Inc. (LWCI)’s LWEnSCheck® Exclusions Software was designed to help providers—participating in federal-funded healthcare programs—satisfy their exclusion check requirement. The online solution provides a means for employers to verify that staff and other business relationships are not Medicare or state excluded sanctioned individuals or entities. The federal and state excluded provider programs affect every organization that receives federal or state dollars for medical and health services rendered, social service funds, and grant programs. Organizations…

The Basics: 7 Elements of a Compliance Program: Part 2

With the General Compliance Program Guidance updates released in November 2023, we wanted to take the 7 elements of a compliance program and break it down. What are the 7 elements? Why are they important and how can these elements be implemented? Recap elements 1-4 on Part 1 & elements 5-7 will be reviewed below. 5. Enforcing Standards: Consequences and Incentives Part of a compliance program includes creating and applying uniform disciplinary actions for non-compliance…