Let’s face it, there are thousands of Indeed resumes available to recruiters and headhunters looking for that perfect fit.  As the recruiter and human resources person for a national healthcare consulting firm, I’m not only looking for internal hires to fit our culture, I’m also looking for candidates to fill specific interim positions for our clients. Indeed is one of many great resources.

Unfortunately, there isn’t enough hours in the day to get everything done, so if you can make your resume easy to read quickly that makes a huge difference. Following these guidelines will make your resume stand out

  1. Write your resume for the job you want! If you are an RN who wants to work in the long-term care space, highlight those experiences. Use industry terms that search engines will pick up, terms specific to what you are looking for.
  2. Start with a one column formatted Word document – this is read most easily by most systems, and people!
  3. Keep it simple – the less fancy formatting, graphics, color and bolding the better. Remember, this is for use in Indeed. Save the fancy stuff for when you are selected to proceed in the interview process.
  4. Have a good introduction; a quick paragraph with credentials, years of experience and what you are looking for in a position.
  5. Make your timeline of experience chronological; most recent first. I want to know what candidates have been doing most recently. 
  6. Explain any gaps in the timeline, no need to get specific with personal details, brief is fine.
  7. Make sure to list quantifiable results in your experience descriptions. In the world of AI generated resumes, this shows human detail.
  8. No need to have details about prior jobs not relevant to what you are looking for but be sure to account for the time with basic information.

Include a link to your LinkedIn profile if you have one. Even a basic LinkedIn profile lends credibility.

Help a recruiter out – follow the protocol above so we can find you quickly! Good luck in the search.

LW Consulting, Inc. (LWCI) offers a comprehensive range of services that can assist your organization in maintaining compliance, identifying trends, providing education and training,  or conducting documentation and coding audits. For more information, contact LWCI to connect with one of our experts!