Has your organization noticed an increase in documentation requests from insurance payers? If so, you’re not alone—and if not, you most likely will. As the health care industry continues to shift from payment based models to value-based care, one thing is certain, providers are considering how to handle the increased administrative burden to stay in compliance with the changes. These changes have many therapy providers considering their options, including preparing their practices for possible sale in the next few years. Regardless of the final decision, one of the greatest risks to therapy practices is not having documentation that supports medically necessary and reasonable care requiring the unique skills of a therapist.

In order to combat denials on the initial request level, it is imperative there is a response process in place, but first and foremost, the documentation must accurately support the charges and medically necessary care. If your organization is not conducting routine, meaningful documentation auditing—you  should. If your organization is not identifying trends in your documentation audits to evaluate and assess the effectiveness of your staff training—you should. If your organization has been auditing but realizing the resources to conduct the audits is too daunting, let LW Consulting, Inc.’s web-based audit tool do the work.

ChartVerify® allows outpatient therapy providers to conduct routine documentation audits to support one of the greatest compliance risk areas in healthcare—technical and medical necessity compliance. ChartVerify® was designed to assist compliance officers, risk managers and auditors in implementing their audit plans while reducing the administrative burden of creating and rolling up meaningful and accurate reports upon completion of a documentation audit. When the audit is done, the report is instantly available. ChartVerify® trends the auditing results over time, allowing the compliance officer to assess the effectiveness of the training to areas identified as being non-compliant. All of this is captured within a web-based documentation audit tool, without the use of spreadsheet applications. ChartVerify® can also be customized to incorporate your audit tool.

If your organization is looking for an easier, more efficient way to conduct documentation audits, contact Ashley Popovich at [email protected].