The Office of Inspector General (OIG) continues to place focus on “Substance Abuse Disorder” and “Mental Health” with their continuation of work plan items that are all expected to be completed this year or in 2025.

These work plan items provide opportunities for attorneys to have discussions with their clients on the steps the clients can take in preparation for the items the OIG is working on.

This whitepaper provides additional information on each of the work plan items that focus on Substance Abuse Disorder, Mental health or both and the opportunities that these items provide.

The information provided in this whitepaper was originally developed using the January 2024 work plan updates. Since then, there have been many updates that are shown in red in the attached whitepaper. It is important to note these changes were all made within 6 months. With the projected timeline of completion for these items, attorneys should act now to ensure their clients are taking the proper steps to align with the OIG work plan..

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